Silver Key Senior Services 719-884-2300 5312 0 USAF Academy Military & Family Readiness Center 719-333-3444 3296 0 Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center 719-772-7000 1074 0 Fort Carson Intrepid Spirit Center 719-526-1327 3033 0 Angels of America’s Fallen (719) 930-1134 2687 0 The Retired Enlisted Association Chapter One 719-203-6736 4184 0 UCCS Veteran Health and Trauma Clinic 719-255-8072 1853 0 Operation Homefront 719-368-3898 2555 0 StableStrides 719-495-3908 3265 0 Pikes Peak State College Military and Veterans Programs 719-502-4100 2425 0 3231 18

The mission of the Military & Veteran Success Center (MVCS) is to support all Veterans and Dependents with the transition to new opportunities with the completion of educational goals. This is done by ensuring VA benefits are being used to each students individual maximum potential. The MVSC also assists with the often difficult transition to civilian life and tries to provide help whenever possible.

The MVSC prides itself in servicing the over 400 veteran, dependent, and active duty students on the CSU Pueblo campus each semester. Our guarantee is to provide personalized service to assist with the completion of each student’s desired academic program. The MVSC is intended to act as transition assistance for currently enrolled students and is meant to provide experience in an office setting. The move from military to civilian life can be arduous and we at the MVSC intend to make it as fluid a move as possible. In addition to these guiding principles, our office also provides post-graduate employment connections. Through external community outreach projects, we build relationships with business leaders in Pueblo and across the state of Colorado. These relationships allow us to connect these leaders to our veteran, military, and dependent students.

Point of Contact



Veteran Success CoordinatorContact Title

719-586-6904Public Contact Phone

2864 S. Circle Drive, Suite #100Street Address

Colorado SpringsCity



  Website by Neon Pig Creative

As of 10/5/2023, the grant funding has ended for Military Arts Connection’s free arts experiences for the military community. Please continue to the site if you’d like to explore additional resources for future opportunities for connection, creativity, healing, and more.